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For the love of code

As a software developer for almost 8 years, I have had the experience of working at both, a product based and services based company. At both these companies, I worked with technologies, such as Ruby on Rails and Blockchain, which were not very common in the local market so the only way for me to get support was through online communities.

In my experience, Online communities are great for common problems that other people have face before, but for one-off problems you cannot always get a response in time. I have always found it much easier to pick up the phone and call someone you know as compared to posting a question online. Hence it has always been of very high importance for me to know the right people in the local community.

And its not simple.

Over the last two years, I have been part of several major business, technology and industry events such as:


P@SHA Events


Open Islamabad


Rotary Club Meetups

Code for Pakistan

Chamber of Commerce Meetups

By developers, for developers!

While all of the above are doing a great job of focusing on things such as Ideas, Inspiration, Creativity, Digital Skills, Digital Awareness, Product / Business Development, Policy Making, Civic Innovations and Entrepreneurship – I have been unable to find one community that:

Meets regularly and not just once or twice a year to talk about code and software development – development not just as a service but as a dynamic, never-ending process

Talks about software developers – developers as creatives who don’t only write code, but solve complex problems – what is best for them, what skills should they focus on to make the most of their time, how can they manage their work-life balance.

So, inspired by Nida Salman’s Islamabad Chapter of CreatitveMornings, a breakfast lecture series for the creative community, motivated by Adrian Bridgwater’s article about how to build a happy developer community, and driven by my own personal desire to strengthen the software development community, I present to you DEVENINGS (short for Developer Evenings).

Meet the Founders

Meet the duo behind Devenings

Abdul Jawad Sadiq


Jawad is a Ruby on Rails and Blockchain aficionado. With a professional background in software engineering and computer science spanning 10 years.

Abdul Jawad Sadiq

Anum Sadiq


A Software Quality Assurance aficionado & digital content creator deeply engaged with the food blogging ecosystem in Pakistan. Currently part of IBM’s Digital Marketing team.

Anum Sadiq

A casual monthly gathering for all local software developers

Irrespective of the tools, technologies and products they work on. Devenings aims to have regular community meetups with:

A monthly theme

A monthly theme

A unique theme based around some of the most popular programming languages in use and focusing on specific use case scenarios.

Open to all developers

Open to all developers

Open access for anyone to attend, irrespective of the tools and technologies they work with. Anyone who loves to code, or appreciates good elegant code can join!

A Global Community

A Global Community

Open access to developers in other cities around the world to register, create their own chapter and host a monthly event based on the monthly theme.

Key Benefits

Some of the benefits are listed below:

Face to Face connections

Because we believe it is still the best way for understanding people and connecting with them.

Build confidence, communication and problem solving skills

With the help of ice breaker activities, networking sessions and panel discussions.

Learn about local trends and problems

What projects, programming languages and tools are trending locally, top emerging technologies, what are the top local problems to be solved.

Grow together

By sharing knowledge and helping each other.

However, the real reward from a community cannot be quantified as Abhinav Asthana, CEO of Postman says:

“The ‘real response’ factor can be priceless for both the programmers and the organizers of the community. As an organizer, providing immediate gratification to and from community members creates a consistent flow of communication that brings awareness to bugs, suggestions for better tools and features that can help everyone become better developers”

and in Adrian Bridgwater’s words:

“Asthana insists that people-to-people knowledge is key. He says that fostering a spontaneous community provides developers with a platform to connect with each other as both individuals and as groups. The goal here is the creation of a meaningful network of [human] connections where the sharing of knowledge is both impulsive and instinctive.”

Beyond Community Meetups

In addition to regular local community meetups, we also aim to organize and curate hands-on workshops and trainings for emerging technologies as well as any need based technical training for developers based on the needs of their local tech industry that will enable them to grow and achieve more!

With the help of local partners and sponsors, my supercharged tea and I successfully launched Devenings in January 2019 in Islamabad and we are now all set to launch Devenings in other cities around the world.

May the force be with us all!

Your friendly neighborhood developer,

Jawad Sadiq


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